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3rd Annual Mammography Art Initiative October 11th at FIU Miami


     FIU Miami: It’s amazing that we live in a time (and country) where just about every serious disease and illness has a treatment or a cure, yet 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. 1 in 8. That’s an astonishing number. As a matter of fact, minus skin cancer(s), breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in the United States. When you couple the facts already mentioned and add the fact that more than 200,000 cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed among women each year, it should worry you. Why? You may actually be a woman (even though small numbers of men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year). And even if you’re not, there are certainly women in your family and/or women in your life that mean something to you. Aren’t they worth helping?

Caucasian women have the highest probability of being affecting by breast cancer, followed by African American women and finally Hispanic & Latin women. Why so many women are getting diagnosed with breast cancer is a highly debated conversation – and since we’re not Doctors or experts, we’ll excuse ourselves (and our readers) from that part of the conversation. What we are here to talk about is the upside. The upside to breast cancer you ask? Precisely.

The death rate from breast Cancer increased, albeit slowly, from the 1970’s to the 1900’s. The upside is that since 1990, breast cancer mortality has decreased by 34%! Why? Because of advances and improvements in breast cancer treatment – but more importantly, advances in early detection. Early detection is (or should be) a vital part of a woman’s routine checkups. And early detection is what The 3rd Annual Mammography Art Initiative Art Show & Auction is all about.

On Saturday, October 11th at The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum at Florida International University’s Modesto Maidique Campus the Mammography Art Initiative will be hosting an art show and auction from 5pm – 8pm that is poised to bridge the gap in access to breast health education and care for under served women in Miami. Tickets are just $5 at the entrance. So whether you’re a survivor, newly diagnosed, know someone that has been diagnosed or just want more information about this epidemic, get on out to FIU Miami and do your part in helping save the tatas!

*Information and statistics contained in this article were pulled from and Please visit their websites and help in the fight against breast cancer.


3rd Annual Mammography Art Initiative October 11th at FIU Miami


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