Cigars are without a doubt a staple of the essence that is Miami. Spanish and Latino cigar rollers have been in Miami for decades, chosen by cigar brands around the world to roll their cigars due to the sheer expertise and love they have for the art of rolling a world class cigar. And that’s exactly what Robert Caldwell and former Camacho cigars owner Christian Eiroa wanted when they teamed up to form Wynwood Cigar Factory – world class rollers rolling unique and exquisite blends of tobacco right here in Miami. And what better place to have one off cigars rolled than in Miami’s very own art studio that is known as the Wynwood Art District – where the side of virtually every building is adorned in beautiful street art done by Miami’s best. Fast forward to now and Wynwood Cigar Factory is booming with 3 unique cigars rolled locally at the factory – Wynwood Factory Fresh, One&Done and The 15th & The First – available at the nations finest tabacaleras and Wynwood Cigar Factory.
On Thursday, July 25th SET nightclub highlights Wynwood Cigar Factory as they set up inside the club allowing rookie cigar enthusiasts and cigar aficionados alike to learn about Wynwood Cigar Factory as well as sample some of the brands best blends. Konflikt & ESS + em will be providing the music for the night. To RSVP to this event please [CLICK HERE]. Don’t miss out on your chance to find out what makes Miami’s latest and greatest cigar manufacturer tick!
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